Sunday, August 29, 2010

What's love got to do with it?

Relationships. A very funny business. Over the years I've questioned myself as to why I never got married. First answer was, nobody ever proposed. Stupid high school boyfriend proposals don't count. I knew after year 2 with that joker that I wasn't about to align my future with a self absorbed ass hat. Perhaps that's when my attitude began?
I've always noticed that the majority of my female friends always had to have a boyfriend. They were never even very particular either. I suppose that is why they always had one. Never understood that one. I'm the pickiest person on the planet. I'd rather hold out for, than settle. Perhaps my very first relationship either cured me or cursed me.
It wouldn't be until many years later, that I acquired a 2nd boyfriend. He was a good friend and it turned into a 'thing'. Those I always found, were the best kind. Sadly that didn't last for long. He started pinch hitting for the other team a few years after we broke up. I never saw that one coming and I have a very good instinct about those things. Turns out, I'm very happy for him. Someone should be happy, right?
It wouldn't be until many years later that I found myself in love again for the third time. I moved to the beach and fell in love with another friend. This one started out pretty turbulent. He was obviously not the boyfriend type. You see? I have this thing about boyfriends. Its more of a rule, really. Loyalty and fidelity while together. Period. Needless to say, I caught him with his best friend's girl and it ended badly. He moved away for a few months. I'll never understand why, but he contacted me on his way back to town and BOOM. We were a couple again, this time for real. For about a year, we were good. Once he started back into his old patterns, that was the end of that. No big surprise there.
After that horrible ending, I decided I was done with the whole relationship theory. For years I just stayed single. I stayed content with the whole casual thing. Obviously I was never really satisfied, as I think we all crave love in our lives. But no matter, at least I wasn't heartbroken over some cheater or liar.
It would again be years later before I fell in love. Again, with another friend but with a twist. This guy was an old roommate. I never even thought of him in a romantic way. I was going through a very turbulent time in my life. My landlord whom I had become close to, was on a suicide mission. She attempted suicide 5 times before I finally could get moved out. She was just looking for attention. To this day, she is doing better than me. I chose to cut the chord on that unhealthy relationship.
My friend/ex roommate was a tremendous rock to me during that time. He helped me move into my very first home. Three weeks later, we became 'involved'. Needless to say, this would end up being the most toxic relationship to date. No, I'm taking that back. It will be the last toxic relationship in my life. No need to go into the details but I have learned a lesson. It's about time, eh?
Which brings me to my whole point of this particular subject. About time, right? I see people all around me in relationships. Sitting back and quietly observing them is interesting. I will constantly be amazed at people. You know that phrase "love is blind", right? More truer words have ever been spoken. People will go to great lengths to convince themselves that their mate is not cheating or lying. They will call their other friends on the phone and subject them to HOURS of endless redundant conversation. Basically just talking themselves into believing that their mate is not doing anything wrong. Now, take it from me. Don't waste your time talking to these people. Honesty is not what they want to hear. Your honesty will only subject you to even more hours of them trying to convince you that you are wrong about their spouce. I don't care if you've witnessed their spouce screwing someone on your own kitchen table. This person will not only call you the liar, but will subsequently end right back up with said cheater, and neither of them will likely ever speak to you again. Wait! That could be a good thing.
What I'm trying to say, quite horribly is that, I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life and be happy, than to have some ass hat cheating, lying, using and bringing home God only knows what, to give to me. Love is blind alright. Glad I'm not blind yet. I'm just sayin'...


  1. So what do you do for sex? ( LOL just being a smartass)

  2. I'm going to pretend I'm blind and did not see Ray's comment. LOL.

    It is sad to witness people going back over and over to a spouse that lies and cheats. It happens over and over with abusive (both physical and mental) relationships as well. The abused, cheated on, lied to spouse wants so much to believe that the other person either didn't do it, or that he/she is really sorry, didn't mean it, and will never do it again! Love really can be blind.

  3. Kande:) Again you have hit the nail on the head !! and I agree with you about living the rest of my life alone and happy, than put up with some lyeing ass cheater every day.Relationships are nothing like they were back in the 50s and 60s they really did love one another in those days but now I'd say about 90% percent of folks that get married or just live together end up hateing each other within 6 freakin months.........I loved the blog girl !!!! Tell it like it is.

  4. People always ask me why I don't have a boyfriend. Well, life isn't just about 'having a boyfriend' and the whole finding love thing. Most relationships end and end in heartbreak, why go through that when I've got more important things to do. Like live! If something happens, it happens. But I'm not running around looking for a guy.

    I always enjoy what you have to say girl!
